Kid and Teen Academy
Spring 2025 Community Education Kid and Teen Academy Courses
Ballroom Dance for Teens/Adults
Section #1:
February 5 – February 26
6-7 p.m.
CRN# 10581
CFP 881-51
Fee: $60
Section #2:
March 5 – March 26
6-7 p.m.
CRN# 10582
CFP 882-52
Fee: $60
Section #3:
April 2 – April 23
6-7 p.m.
CRN# 10583
CFP 882-53
Fee: $60
This class will be located at Dreamlights Studio at the Viaport Mall, 93 W. Campbell Rd., Schenectady, NY 12306
Students, 16 years and older, will learn the basic steps, style and rhythm of Waltz, Rumba, swing, and foxtrot. No partner or experience necessary. Register for Ballroom Dance.
Latin Dance for Teens/Adults
Section #1:
February 5 – February 26
7-8 p.m.
CRN# 10584
CFP 882-51
Fee: $60
Section #2:
March 5 – March 26
7-8 p.m.
CRN# 10585
CFP 882-52
Fee: $60
Section #3:
April 2 – April 23
7-8 p.m.
CRN# 10586
CFP 882-53
Fee: $60
This class will be located at Dreamlights Studio at the Viaport Mall, 93 W. Campbell Rd., Schenectady, NY 12306
Students, 16 years and older, will learn the basic steps, style and rhythm of Merengue, Bachata, Salsa, and Cha Cha. No partner or experience necessary. Register for Latin Dance.
Introduction to Ballet and Modern Dance for Teens/Adults
Section #1:
February 4 – February 25
7-8 p.m.
CRN# 10805
CFP 742-52
Fee: $60
Section #2:
March 4 – March 25
7-8 p.m.
CRN# 10806
CFP 742-52
Fee: $60
Section #3:
April 1 – April 29
7-8 p.m.
CRN# 10807
CFP 742-53
Fee: $60
This class will be located at the Dreamlights Studio located at the Viaport Mall, 93 W. Campbell Rd., Schenectady, NY 12306
Students will learn elements of classical ballet, classical modern dance (Horton, Lemon, Graham…) with a healthy dose of post-modern dance (generally a mix of theater and dance) and jazz. Please wear stretchy clothing, have long hair pulled up in a pony tail, and be prepared to dance in socks or bare foot. Register for Intro to Ballet and Modern Dance.
Cookie Decorating
Section #1: Valentines
Monday, February 10
6-8 p.m.
CRN# 10594
CFP 504-51
Fee: $69
New! Section #2: Beginner Plus: Easter
Tuesday, April 8
6-8 p.m.
CRN# 10595
CFP 504-52
Fee: $79
Section #3: Spring
Tuesday, May 6
6-8 p.m.
CRN# 10596
CFP 504-53
Fee: $69
If you’ve never worked with royal icing or have dabbled just a little, this class is for you. Students, ages 10 and older, will work step by step on each cookie to learn hands-on the various decorating techniques used with royal icing. Cindy Burek of Buttercup Cookie will teach students about piping/outlining, flooding, and wet on wet techniques. Students will complete five cookie designs. Students will take them home with them in a bakery box, along with a decorating tool, a cookie cutter, and a packet of seasonal sprinkles and/or cookie decorations. All supplies are provided. Once class registration has closed, students will be sent Cindy’s informational blog loaded with basics of baking cookies, tips and tricks of the trade, as well as links to places online to checkout for additional tutorials. Due to the perishables needed for this course, the withdrawal deadline for this class is two days prior to the start date. Register for Cookie Decorating.
Piano Lessons for Children and Teens
February 3 – May 9
By Appointment
CRN# 10244
CFP 300-51
Fee: $350
This course, designed especially for beginners ages 6-16, will include fundamental instruction in note reading, rhythm recognition, proper hand position, and chords. Instruction will consist of ten (10), half-hour individual lessons. Register for Piano Lessons.
Guitar Lessons for Children and Teens
February 3 – May 9
By Appointment
CRN# 10245
CFP 305-01
Fee: $350
This course, designed especially for beginners ages 6-16, will include fundamental instruction in reading notes, strumming chords to songs, and technical development. Instruction will consist of ten (10), half-hour individual lessons. Students must bring their own guitars. Register for Guitar Lessons.
Voice Lessons for Children and Teens
February 3 – May 9
By Appointment
CRN# 10246
CFP 306-51
Fee: $350
Students will learn proper singing technique and vocal independence through solo work. Students should be 6-16 years of age. Instruction will consist of ten (10), half-hour individual lessons. Register for Voice Lessons.
Blacklight Theater Performance Class
Section #1: Space Trekk
Monday - Friday
February 17 – February 21
9 a.m.-3 p.m.
CRN# 10587
CFP 999-01
Fee: $260
Section #2: Dino Fables
Monday - Friday
April 14 – April 18
9 a.m.-3 p.m.
CRN# 10588
CFP 999-02
Fee: $260
This class will be located at Dreamlights Studio at the Viaport Mall, 93 W. Campbell Rd., Schenectady, NY 12306
In this introductory Blacklight Theater class, students in grades 6-10 will learn Blacklight stagecraft, illusion, and special effects, with a focus on movement and performance art. Students will use fluorescent costumes, props, and puppets on a darkened stage to create a magical blacklight show that will be performed following the final class. There are roles for dancers and non-dancers – no prior experience needed. Register for Blacklight Theater Performance Class.
Kid and Teen Academy with Black Rocket
SUNY Schenectady has partnered with Black Rocket to deliver high-quality and fun online tech education to students ages 8-14 years. Students can choose from any of the great cutting-edge courses in coding, game design, eSports, virtual reality and more. Jump-start your future in creative tech with SUNY Schenectady and Black Rocket!
See a full listing of Black Rocket courses and to learn more.