Computer and WiFi Access
There are computers available for student use in the Begley Learning Commons. Hours can be found on the Library website.
There is wireless access throughout campus.
Computer and Navigation Support
Begley Librarians Matthew Montalbano and Dr. Sine Rofofsky are available to help students build computer confidence and skills. From formatting headaches to digital navigation, they're able to assist with:
- Citing and formatting sources (APA, MLA, Chicago—you name it!)
- Formatting research papers (margins, headers, and all the nitty-gritty)
- File attachments and Brightspace navigation
- Organizing, storing, and retrieving online files
- Basic computer skills (file saving, attaching documents to email, etc.)
Students can easily book a 1:1 session by visiting the Begley Library website and selecting “Schedule Computer Help.
Student Laptop Loan Program
SUNY Schenectady, through a U.S. Department of Education Title III grant, is able to loan laptops to students to ensure full access to their coursework. To request a laptop, please complete the Laptop Loan Request form. Once a determination has been made you will be notified, and if appropriate, where and when the laptop can be picked up.
Students can utilize networked laser printers throughout campus.
Print Management Guidelines
SUNY Schenectady has installed multi-function copiers in the library for use by students and the public. A print management system is installed on those copiers and on printers throughout the college. The goal of the system is to reduce the financial and environmental impact of printing activity by providing per-student visibility to their own printing habits.
- In accordance with full implementation, each student (full- or part-time, credit or non-credit) will receive a $30 allocation per semester print allocation.
Print Rates will be periodically set by the Office of Administration. Currently, the rates are set at:
- $.15 cents per sheet of paper (both sides of one sheet of paper)
- $.10 cents per sheet of paper (one side of a sheet of paper)
Printing will be set to default to duplex (two-sided printing) where that option is available. Printers that do not have a duplex option will be phased out, and replaced with units that include the duplex printing option. If the student has a special need for single sided printing, they must request that the printer setting be changed. At this time, black and white printing only is available.